City of Akron Settles Civil Rights Lawsuit with Justice for Jayland Protesters

Akron Agrees to $747,000 Settlement in Response to Police Actions During Peaceful Protests


During the Justice for Jayland protests in July 2022, Akron police officers engaged in mass arrests, beatings, and the use of chemical weapons against peaceful protesters. These actions led to nearly a year of criminal litigation against the protesters, who were peacefully advocating for justice for Jayland Walker. All protesters were eventually acquitted or had their charges dismissed.

The case of Michael Harris et al. v. City of Akron et al. was filed by the civil rights law firm Friedman, Gilbert + Gerhardstein (FG+G), including federal and state law claims for violations of constitutional rights and other abuses suffered by demonstrators.

Approach & Resolution

FG+G pursued justice for the affected protesters, culminating in a settlement where the City of Akron agreed to pay $747,000 to the plaintiffs. This settlement not only compensates the protesters for their undue suffering but also serves as a significant acknowledgment of the violation of their constitutional rights.

FG+G attorney Elizabeth Bonham emphasized the importance of the settlement: "This victory is not just about the monetary compensation; it's a clear statement that the rights of peaceful protesters are paramount and must be protected. The City of Akron's failure to respect these rights resulted in this lawsuit. We hope this outcome will deter future misconduct by law enforcement."

In addition to the monetary settlement, FG+G is actively working on a parallel case aimed at obtaining injunctive relief to enforce permanent reforms within the Akron Police Department. These reforms are intended to prevent the recurrence of violations against peaceful protesters and to ensure the protection of civil liberties in the future.